2006 was my First experience doing Friendsgiving with Chris. It was the day of my birthday and I remember bouncing from apartment to apartment at Cal Poly pomona trying to satisfy everyone who had thrown a surprise party for me. Luckily I accomplished that feat, but the majority of my night spent it with my friends in this picture including Chris. We ended the night with a trip to Downtown Fullerton where I got completely and sleepily trashed. Chris was there and look out for me like a big brother that he’s always been. Full of joy, full of laughter, and full of fun & I’m sure all of us can attest to these moments shared with Chris. Since then, those memories started an evolution of making friendsgiving a life long Important event. I could write a book of exciting times we shared, but one that will always stick with me is the time we all played rocket league with my son. I still play with him till this day and everytime I cut it on, I tear up because the first thing I think about is you and how my son pronounced your GT as ”The Head is on my Butt” (TheHedonismBot) 😂. I’m glad you are an important figure in my adulthood and I will forever keep you in memory bro! Love you Man and will see you soon!
- Jeremy Taylor