Chris was one of the few people that helped me out whenever he could.
We enjoyed each other's online and in-person. We would get together to LAN and spent many nights gaming on Starcraft/Overwatch/etc... And then do the same thing online. We founded a gaming team called "clan element" together (He was "Dark[e]lement, I was Shadow[e] - screenshot is from web archive 2001).

We hung out regularly to grab great food, sing karoake, plan travels, and nerd out over tech. He introduced me to his friends and vice-versa. Merged a few friend groups along the way.
There were a few times where Chris just yolo'd a trip to join his friends and turned out to be the best idea ever (thankful he came to Germany).

We reconnected in 2010 probably after 5 years of being off doing our own things. Matured alot sense then. Here are some photos from our Friendsgivings and a trip to Germany (Chris volunteered to work my booth too! We couldn't afford him)

Love you forever Chris. I hope we meet again someday.
K Matt Coyle